Build Barcode Generator with JavaScript JsBarcode
Build Barcode Generator with JavaScript and JsBarcode • Barcode is a machine-readable code that’s generated using product details such as name, code, price, etc. Created Barcode tagged on the product to get details by scanning it. It’s very useful to manage large inventory and for selling products to identify them quickly. • So if you’re thinking to implement barcode generate functionality using JavaScript instead of server end solutions, then you’re here at the right place. In this tutorial, you will learn how to generate Barcode using JavaScript. We will use JavaScript plugin JsBarcode to generate a barcode. • • Barcode type: • 1. Code 128 - Code 128 is a high-density linear barcode symbology defined in ISO/IEC 15417:2007. It is used for alphanumeric or numeric-only barcodes. It can encode all 128 characters of ASCII. • 2. Codabar - Codabar has 4 bars and 3 spaces (total 7 elements) with each narrow or wide width representing one character (letter). • it does not support letters or symbols. • Resource link - • 3. CODE 39 - CODE 39 is the barcode developed by Intermec Corporation in 1975. Up to 43 characters including numbers, letters and some symbols can be included in the barcode. Since letters can be handled, CODE 39 is indispensable in the industrial fields and used in industries such as automotive and electronics. It is standardized by AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) in U.S.A. • 4. MSI - The MSI bar code represents only digits 0–9; it does not support letters or symbols. • Resource link - • 5. Pharmacode - Pharmacode (also known as Pharmaceutical Binary Code) is a one-dimensional (1D) barcode used all over the world. It is a specific type barcode standard used mainly in the pharmaceutical manufacturing. Pharmacode barcode is used for Online Security Control of the pharmaceutical packaging process. • • Git code - • JsBarcode Link - • JsBarcode Doc Link - • Basics Barcode Info - • Barcode Type Info -