Lawful Good Tribute The Knight
This tribute is the second in a series of nine where I'll try to give a good example of one of the alignments in D D. I'm obviously not trying to define the given alignment, just to capture one of its many possible aspects - the human character is too colourful and shifting to be narrowed down easily. • • To those who are either unfamiliar with the D D alignment system, or simply wish to read more about them, here is a link I found very helpful in gaining insight to each of the nine: • • ********************************************************************** • • This video deals with the more positive aspect of Lawful Good, the Knight. Common knowledge says that they are well armed and trained land-owning warriors of medieval times who usually serve a king or other feudal lord of some description, and often have close ties to the local church. To me, this perspective is far too shallow to encompass the true meaning of knighthood, so I decided to go with another view, which some of you might say is so wishful its homebrew. :P • • Being a Lawful Good character is probably the hardest, most unforgiving, and when your GM thinks he is being funny, the most unthankful alignment, much like in real life. But just like in real life, you have to stick to three things. First, you must always ask yourself: What if I'm wrong? , so you won't turn self-righteous and narrow-minded/visioned. Second, you must be relentless in walking your talk because your beliefs will be challenged at every turn. This is what separates the chaff from the wheat: why would the world, or anyone for that matter, take your noble views seriously if you can't stick to them? Third: be open-minded because the world will teach you (the hard way of course :P) if you listen. • • By now some of you must be getting sick of all this Awful Good stuff, but this is what makes Lawful Good characters unique among the others: their relentless, reality-reshaping conviction. To some, they are an insane vortex of nonsense, narcisism and blinding illusions; to others, they are a beacon of stability, wisdom and hope. In essence, their bread and butter isn't an interconnected web of fanciful excuses (which is roughly the negative aspect of this alignment), but that borderline lethal path of hardship that makes them grow the balls and brains they need to walk their talk. Therefore its probably the most make-or-brake type of the nine alignments. • • The story of this video is that a Knight suffers a near-fatal blow that makes him have a near-death experience, in which he sums up his whole being, then gets back up on his feet and, in all likelyhood, defeats his opponent. Also, there might or might not be a little heavenly interference. =D • • ********************************************************************** • • Song used: • X-Ray Dog - Apassionata • • • Pictures used: • Found on 4chan and /tg/ booru mainly or some other website I can't recall. • • • I do not own the music or the pictures used in this video, they are all the properties of their respective owners, who should all feel awesome because they are all awesome.