Brass Door handle knob Polishing amp Re Lacquering Experiment Rustins Metal Lacquer
Brass Door handle / Knob Polishing Re Lacquering Experiment (Rustins Metal Lacquer):- • In this video I test my restoration skills and conduct a little experiment by improving the cosmetic look of some old and tarnished household brass door handles that I have meaning to clean up for a while..... • Much elbow grease has been expended in the making of this video by polishing up the door knobs to a high sheen then trying an alternative experimental method to seal in the shine, I used T CUT Metal Polish and coated the shiny brass handles with Rustins Metal Lacquer. • Timestamps:- • 0:02 Introduction. • 0:45 The Polishing Process. • 02:09 Optional Disassembly Door Handle reversal instructions. • 05:23 Polishing result and Lacquering technique explained. • 06:45 Applying the Lacquer to Brass Handles. • 09:00 Experimental lacquer application. • 09:50 The Experiment result. • 10:30 The Second Coat. • 13:20 Future Plan disclosure. • • #TarnishedBrass #ReLacquerbrass TheRepairer