How to Give Written Warnings at Work
Watch more Business Communication videos: • Be sure to cover all the key points in a written warning so that the employee is respected, and the company is also protected. • Step 1: State the case clearly • State the reason or cite the code for the infraction that prompted the disciplinary letter. Give a written warning in clear language that conveys that the purpose is to correct the behavior. • Step 2: Detail facts, sign, and date • Detail pertinent facts and examples and list witnesses and dates of incidents. Sign and date the warning and have the employee do the same as recognition of receipt and understanding. • Tip • Issue the warning as soon as possible to avoid any confusion about whether or not an infraction occurred. • Step 3: Identify what must be improved • Identify corrective measures and specify opportunities for improvement. Avoid invalidating the warning by failing to encourage the employee to rectify things. • Step 4: Include noncompliance warning • Include legal wording in a statement describing the consequences of noncompliance. • Step 5: Offer counseling • Offer counseling to benefits-eligible employees who wish to get help for a chronic problem related to the warning. • Step 6: Inform them of their rights • Inform the employee of their right to appeal the action through staff resolution procedures. Be the honorable person you are asking your workers to be by giving everyone a fair chance. • Did You Know? • A 2006 National Bureau of Economic Research report noted that job displacement -- loss of a job because the position has been eliminated -- led to a 15 to 20 percent increase in the probability of dying within the 20 years following a job loss.