GTOPROSL2000B gate motor REPAIR


Like, Share, and Subscribe, • Trouble shooting link • • This is a how to video on how to fix a GTO-PRO SL2000B slide gate opener. On this video the battery in the motor box went bad and I had to replace it. I noticed the gate was opening slowly and finally just died. The people from Batteries Plus did say that these batteries have a two to three year life span and it was time to change this one out. Before going through an extensive trouble shooting diagnostic check, i just changed the battery and voila. The gate is battery operated so if the power goes out ,which is does quite frequently here, the gate can still open. I also address the issue of the gate opening the suddenly start to close then stop. This is due to resistance on the gate. The wheels of the gate were getting stuck and not letting them glide on the rail. Lubed them up and that was all it took. If you have further questions please leave them on the comments below.


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