For a while I have been wanting to get out for a Solo fishing adventure on the new boat. I woke up ad checked through my emails to find I was all under control with work so I checked Time Zero and noticed there was a good weather window to head up to D'Urville Island and chase some Snapper for the afternoon. Since this was a very last minute trip there wasn't enough time to organise a crew so I decided to go solo. As I was filling up the Stabicraft with fuel I noticed I had a flat tyre which wasn't the best way to start the trip. Lucky enough the legends at Tyre Land Blenheim quickly fixed my tyre and got me back on the road. Finally I had arrived at my chosen fishing spot and had a quick sound around to find some good Snapper sign on the Garmin.First drop and it wasn't long until I was hooked up to a good fish only to drop it which I did again on the third drop. I was starting to think this wasn't my day but finally my luck changed and this turned out to be one very cool afternoon solo adventure. • @StabicraftNZ • @shimanofishing_nz • @GarminInt • @narvalighting • @MyTIMEZEROchannel • #stabicraft #snapper #snapperfishing #mystabi #stabicraft2250 #2250ucc #snapper #snapperfishing #snapperfish #shimanofishing #lurefishing #lure #fishing #fishingvideo #fishingadventure #fishinglife #fishingvideos #bigfish #bigfishvideo #soloadventure #boat #boating #newzealandfishing #newzealand #marlborough