Contemporary Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry Post Graduate Certificate Residential Course
This comprehensive modular course is designed for all dentists who undertake restorative or aesthetic dentistry and wish to improve their knowledge and practical skills. • Subscribe to our YouTube channel . • The course is designed to introduce systems and techniques which will allow you to create a more predictable, enjoyable and profitable restorative and aesthetic practice. • This course is held at the Dominic Hassall Training Institute Learning Centre in Solihull, UK. • The 13-day course begins in September and finishes in July. You have a choice of Fridays or Saturdays. The dates are on the website. • Every course day will involve a high level of practical hands-on work. • Grants membership of BAARID and counts as credits towards BAARID Diploma • Course costs include lunch, supporting materials and tooth prep models but excludes study models. • Check out our postgraduate certificate in Contemporary Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry course: