Phases of moon explained using an orrery
As the moon rotates around the earth it travels through phases. • The alignment of the sun, earth, and moon create the phases. • I use an orrery to explain the moon's alignment during, • new moon, waxing crescent, ist quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, last quarter, waning crescent, and back to new moon. • The sidereal period is 27.3 and the moon is measured against stars. • The synodic period is 29.5 days and the moon is measured against the sun. • Summary of the Video • • If you enjoyed this video you may enjoy the Earth Science Course with an emphasis on Astronomy. • The course includes 13 videos along with a study guide and an answer key for each guide. • In addition there is a short enrichment activity for each video. • Link to the playlist here. • • Earth Science Course | Astronomy | • • You may also enjoy • Rotation and Revolution of the Earth with an Orrery • • The Earth's Rotation and Revolution E... • Phases of the moon with pictures. • • Moon Phases Quiz • • Phases of the Moon Quiz