Abbey Reviews The Unnatural Vegan What I Eat in a Day


Medical Disclaimer: • The content in this video is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. • ** CORRECTION ** Her dinner did not contain 3g of carbs, instead it contained around 88g carbs. • In this episode of Abbey’s Kitchen, Abbey is doing another review of a YouTuber’s What I Eat in a Day. Abbey has gotten so many requests and one that has come up quite a lot is The Unnatural Vegan. Abbey has watched a bunch of her videos and it has felt like a breath of fresh air amidst all of the Freelee drama. Stay tuned because Abbey has some controversial Freelee information coming up on the channel soon. Abbey loves Unnatural Vegan because she doesn’t claim to be a registered dietitian or nutritionist and even says that in her videos and points people towards really great resources. • Breakfast (1:13) • Abbey loves a good oatmeal bowl in the morning and a great way to start the day. Energizing carbs, fibre, healthy fats. She also gives some great fast meal hacks and Abbey appreciates that. • Lunch (1:55) • Abbey loves the simple salad. It’s got vegetables, protein, carbs and fat. Abbey likes that she is keeping it simple and the reality is that’s the way most of us eat. • Snack (2:58) • Abbey loves this easy peasy snack. The snack has got the hunger crushing combination of fibre, protein and fats. • 3:37 sound cuts out for two seconds • Dinner (3:48) • Abbey is obsessed with crispy chickpeas. It looks like a balanced vegan meal. She’s got vegetables, whole grains, fat from the vinaigrette and protein from the chickpeas. Abbey is digging her style when it comes to meal preparation. It seems really easy, doable and accessible. • Abbey loves that she’s making it so easy for people to make it their own. She provides a bit of a formula and then you decide what foods you’d like. • Snack (6:06) • Abbey loves pineapple and it can be used in so many ways. If she wanted to bulk that up and add some protein or fat like with yogurt, that would be a great way to make more satiating. • Supplements (6:47) • Abbey really loves that she puts on the screen that she is taking supplements. This is stuff that a lot of vegan you tubers don’t talk about and Abbey thinks that can be unclear to some people starting a vegan diet. • Here’s what Abbey likes about the Unnatural Vegan • It’s Accessible (7:30) • A lot of vegan you tubers out there create recipes that are so elaborate and are huge portion sizes. All of the unnatural vegan recipes are simple, accessible and doable. • 2. Practices Intuitive Eating (8:09) • Abbey feels like she is a very normal intuitive eating. She’s the first to admit that some days are not perfect healthy eating days and that is okay. • 3. (8:41) No Bull Shit claims • She doesn’t claim that eating her way will lead to weight loss, clear your skin. She doesn’t push any expensive vegan products and is the first to encourage her followers to seek out credible nutrition professionals. • Let’s Look at the Nutritional Breakdown • Taking into consideration her calories and macronutrient distribution Abbey would say she’s got a really well balanced diet and in conjuction with her supplements she is getting a healthy vegan diet. • Abbey hopes you enjoyed this episode of What I Eat in a Day review of the Unnatural Vegan. Leave Abbey a comment of a YouTuber you’d like Abbey to review! • For more tips on staying healthy, recipes, dieting, and information fit for consumption by foodies everywhere stop by Abbey’s blog.


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