This video is about Shiba Inu Pro's And Cons, the good and the bad. • ππThe ULTIMATE Dog Training Course:ππ • βΊβΊ ββ • Our Website: • βΊ • The Shiba Inu is a canine breed that offers a body profile, including the curled tail and short, dense coat, that you can find on the Chow Chow. These dogs are active, alert, and attentive to the needs of their home without being overly large or cumbersome. Males of this breed average about 23 pounds as an adult, while females average about 17 pounds. The life expectancy of this non-sporting dog is up to 16 years. • It is an ancient Japanese breed, but the Shiba Inu continues to be popular because it is a well-muscled dog that is capable of hunting or protection. Most individuals have an excellent nature, high intelligence levels, and a friendly disposition. These canines are adaptable as well, finding their place in rural or urban environments. Their spirit makes them popular in their home country, where it is the most popular companion dog. • The first Shiba Inu dogs were brought to the United States from Japan about 60 years ago. It is a breed which continues to see a growth in popularity in the West, especially with the variety of coat colors that are possible. • These are the pros and cons of having a Shiba Inu to consider. • Video Inspired By • Haribo the Shiba: • Shiba Inu from Puppy to Adult (8 week... • Animal Watch: • THE SHIBA INU - THE SCREAMING DOG OF ... • Super Shiba: • What You Should Know BEFORE Getting a... • Animal Watch: • AKITA INU vs SHIBA INU - Aggressive H... • Haribo the Shiba: • My Shiba Inu’s Morning Routine • #ShibaInuProsAndCons #ShibaInuProsCons #ProsConsOfAShibaInu