The ABCs of IEPs What You Should Know About Individualized Education Programs
An Individualized Education Program (IEP) can be a powerful tool for empowering parents who want to help their school-aged children diagnosed with autism, ADHD, or Down Syndrome excel in the classroom. But how do you create the best one for your child? What’s the best way to approach the issue with your child’s teachers? What are your rights once an IEP is in place? • On August 27th, 2018, eSpecial Needs invited John Ourth, special educator at Great Circle in Saint Louis, Missouri (, to share strategies for writing and advocating for IEPs with parents and educators. During this talk, Mr. Ourth guides attendees through the IEP process, from creation and implementation to continued maintenance and advocacy using his 25 years of experience. • 0:22 What is an Individualized Education Program? • 3:13 What is an IEP meeting? • 4:36 Audience Question: How do you go about finding a child advocate? • 5:05 Audience Question: Does the child typically attend the IEP meeting? • 5:57 Audience Question: How are IEP meetings and the programs funded? • 6:50 Timelines for an IEP • 9:51 Basics and Goals of an IEP • 11:26 Audience Question: If a child was determined not to qualify for a service and a parent thinks they do need the service how do you go about coming to some type of agreement on that? • 13:37 Audience Question: What is Special School District's role at an IEP meeting? • 15:54 What makes up a good goal for an IEP? • 18:17 What to expect with setting goals • 18:45 What to expect in the IEP meeting? • 20:53 Audience Question: Why is all the previous history and info not always shared on IEP? • 24:57 What to expect in the IEP meeting? (cont.) • 27:45 Components of the IEP process/Pre-IEP meeting • 29:57 Components of the IEP process/Things for you to know • 30:44 What to expect during the IEP meeting • 32:10 Audience Question: Do you have to have another meeting if they get qualified? • 34:15 What to do at the IEP meeting • 40:26 Audience Question: How do you go dealing with someone you feel isn't being a productive team member? • 46:01 Audience Question: Can you bring legal counsel to IEP? • 47:18 Audience Question: Can parents drop in to see their child's data? • 48:12 Audience Question: When the goals are not met, is it because of the student, teacher or parent? • 50:51 Audience Question: How often do you report back to the parents with progress? • 52:47 Components of the IEP process/Post-IEP meeting • 53:10 Audience Question: How often do you request reviewing IEP? • 1:02:48 Get Organized/Create a records binder or notebook