Estate Planning 101
Build your estate plan online! MyAdvocate is the online solution for creating and maintaining your Will and all other legally-valid estate planning documents. Click the link below to get started! • • -- • Estate Planning 101: how your estate planning needs and objectives change as you go through life. • For prospective law firm clients who want to schedule a free 15 minute initial phone call with Paul Rabalais, go to: • The following is a breakdown of three different phases people go through as they get and keep their estate legal affairs in order. • Phase I is for those parents in their 30's and 40's who have minor children. These parents are still in the accumulation phase, but there are important estate planning issues. Typically, parents in Phase I worry about who will raise their children if the parents die before the children reach the age of majority. Another concern revolves around the fact that Phase I parents are accumulating retirement accounts, life insurance, and they are building equity in their homes. Phase I parents do not want to dump a lump sum of money into the hands of a minor or young adult. • In addition, a divorced Phase I parent often needs assurance that their ex-spouse will never control the money that the Phase I parent leave to the young child. • Phase II of estate planning is for people typically in their 50's and early 60's. They are often not yet retired, but they are seeing parents and some colleagues around them get sick and pass away. Concerns from Phase II parents revolve around how to leave their estate to their spouse, and making sure that the future inheritance of their young adult children, who are married, is protected from divorce. • Phase III is for those in their late 60's, and in their 70's and 80's. They are often retired. They have accumulated assets. Their priorities involve making their estate settlement simple by avoiding probate, and their estate planning concerns involve protecting their estates, often from long term care illnesses, taxes, and in some cases, protecting from lawsuits. Phase III individuals and couples can also have a wide range of other estate planning issues, such as blended family issues, pre-nuptial agreements, special needs planning, leaving particular assets to certain people or in a certain way, who to select for the roles and backup roles for financial and health care powers of attorney, executors, and trustees. • This post is for informational purposes only and does not provide legal advice. Please do not act or refrain from acting based on anything you read on this site. Using this site or communicating with Rabalais Estate Planning, LLC, through this site does not form an attorney/client relationship. • Paul Rabalais • Estate Planning Attorney • • Phone: (225) 329-2450