Fighting Regiments of War of Rights 1st Louisiana Zouaves


The 1st Louisiana Zouave Battalion is a combination of 2 unique confederate zouave battalions, Coppens’ Zouaves and Wheat’s Tigers, both infamous known for their outlandish behavior in camp and zealous appetite for battle. Both were raised from the roughest of New Orleans society, men accustom to hard work and heavy drinking. Both of these battalions would take extreme losses due to their hard fighting in the previous campaigns and would be merged for the upcoming Maryland Campaign. • At the battle of antietam, the men of the 1st Louisiana Zouave Battalion would be led by Captain Marie Alfred Coppens. Their battalion would be attached to the 2nd Louisiana Brigade under the command of Brigadier General William E. Starke who was rushed to the west side of the hagerstown turnpike to stop the attack of the Federal Western Iron Brigade. The louisianans would fight hard but would be pushed back after taking extreme casualties, with only 12 men fit for duty the next day. • My discord:   / discord   • Fighting Regiments of War of Rights Playlist:    • Fighting Regiments of War of Rights   • If you would like to see more War of Rights Videos from my channel, here is my playlist:    • Playlist   • War of Rights is a multiplayer game set during the perilous days of the American Civil War, in the Maryland Campaign of September, 1862. Campfire Games is devoted to presenting the gruesome and glorious elements of the period, while maintaining the highest level of historical accuracy and realism as is possible with the wonders of CRYENGINE. • If you would like to get the game now:


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