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The Madras Regiment is the oldest infantry regiment of the Indian Army, originating in the 1750s. The regiment took part in numerous wars with both the British Indian Army and the post-independence Indian Army • 18th Battalion (Mysore) of The Madras Regiment, was formed from the old Mysore State Forces after their amalgamation into the Indian Army in 1951. • History of 18th battalion The Madras Mysore State Forces i.e, Mysore Infantry: • It was raised on 1st April 1951 after the disbandment of the three Battalions of the Mysore State Forces. • In July 1955 this Battalion was made a part of the Madras Regiment and in July 1951 was redesignated as 18th Battalion (Mysore) The Madras Regiment. • Later its personnel were interchanged with other Battalions of The Madras Regiment and it took its present shape. • The Battalion took part in 'OP ABLAZE' and later in 'OP RIDDLE'. The Battalion gave a splendid account of itself in the best tradition of the Regiment during this period. • In the conflict of December 1971 with Pakistan, the unit was employed in the Nayachor/Umarkot Sector. It was here that for the first time the unit was engaged in actual armed combat with the enemy at close range when on 17 December 1971 the positions at Hingoro Tar just two miles from Umarkot were assaulted by the enemy. The unit had reached this position late on 16 December 1971 after a forced march of three days across an almost trackless desert. Food and water were almost unavailable and first-line ammunition, except pouch, all bogged down in the hands. Both artillery and administrative cover were outstripped with dire results on 17 December morning. Despite lack of ammunition, artillery and armour support and air cover the unit was able to give a splendid account of itself before orders were received to fall back. In this action, the Battalion was awarded one Maha Vir Chakra, two Vir Chakras and four Sena Medals. • A great thanks to 18 Madras Regiment for giving us the opportunity to showcase their story of bravery and sacrifice to the world. • Jai hind 🇮🇳 • ————————— • Follow Lt Col Ajit V Bhandarkar, SC on: • Facebook: / ltcolajitbha. . • Instagram: / bhandarkar_. . • Twitter: / bhandarkar_ajit • #MadrasRegiment #IndoPakWar #Mysore • Info Credits: http://madrasregiment.org/ • Audio Credits: Tseries Music