How To Be A Property Developer Case Study Property Development Australia
Discover what it takes to BANK $260k as a Property Developer in a real-life 'no BS' Australian Property Development Case Study. No Upsells, No Courses, No Services, 100% Genuine Content. 🔔 SUBSCRIBE: • 📞 CONTACT: • I've just completed and sold my 3x lot subdivision JV in under 12 months. The ungeared margin on development is close to 40% - this is almost double an acceptable development return and without flexing too hard - pretty good in the Perth market. • Now instead of telling you how easy it is to be a property developer, and then glossing over the details followed by an upsell on a course, I am going to go through the property development basics, which includes: • How I found the development site • What the property development feasibility looked like at the start • Every developer knows numbers do change, so I'll cover the final numbers • How I structured the joint venture for development financing. • Most importantly, the mistakes that I learnt from • Finding a site is not easy, and it first starts with sourcing the development. I like to look for developments that other property developers or selling agents overlook. This is through seeking out exceptions to the planning rules. • Once identified this site in Perth, Western Australia stood out because it had a wide frontage, little-to-nil value in the house, the topography and location of the development site minimise site works, and the seller was keen to sell the property. • The initial plans were to build 4x villas, but this changed into 3x street-front green titles lots. Over the term of the project, I was able to revise up the development financials, despite the tough market conditions in Bassendean, Australia. • The joint venture structure for the property development deal was 60/40 in favour of my funder. This got me across the line on financing the property development. • In being a 'How to Be a Property Developer', I have learnt a range of mistakes myself. On this project, it included the joint venture as I left money on the table, public open space contributions by the council and retention of trees on the development site.