quotSchmalquot Bites Spiderweb Softwares Legacy
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=28Ml6JQQFc8
Want to support the channel? You can buy me a Ko-Fi, even though I will never drink the stuff: https://ko-fi.com/schmaltzycynic (I will update the page and have some posts later this week.) • Want to read the 32K character script (20 mins) instead? https://ryancolxire.wixsite.com/thesc... • Disclaimer: Out of these games, only one, Avernum 3: Ruined World (2018), was given as a review-copy. Everything else is either a game I bought myself or played the demo (Nethergate.) I don't think this aspect affects my opinion, but I am making that information clear. • Spiderweb, Spiderweb, does whatever Jeff Vogel can; spins a tale (maybe thrice), dungeoneers just need apply—look out, here comes Mrs. Krizsan. (Between the morning delirium and my need to make that spoof, I couldn’t resist some good-natured fun!) • Anyway, having had been a slow adopter of Spiderweb Software’s games for what feels like a decade, I decided this video would be a great place to start this series of a more focused videos of games that wouldn’t suit my long-form videos. So, I came up with another series that will continue to make me question if I have a micro-fixation, “Schmal Bites.” However, don’t let that description fool you, as this video will cover ALL four series of games by Spiderweb, spanning sixteen (or twenty-five) games. • Table of Contents: • 0:00 – 3:17 – Introduction / Background on Spiderweb • 3:17 – 11:40 – Avernum Series (Gameplay 1/2/3/4) • 11:41 –17:05 – Avadon Series (Gameplay 1) • 17:06 – 24:59 - Nethergate: Ressurection • 25:00 – 29:02 – Geneforge Saga (Gameplay 1 / 5) • 29:03 – 31:28 -- Summary/Credits • If you enjoyed this video and want to get these games, you can visit Spiderweb’s Steam catalog or you can go to their website to go try out all their game demos: • https://store.steampowered.com/publis... • https://www.spiderwebsoftware.com/pro... • Art assets by Ectodrool (@EctoDrool on Tumblr/Twitter) and Metal (@MetalKitty1 on Twitter), so if you liked their art go follow them or give them kudos. • Finally, here are some MLA Citations if anyone needed them because they need properly cited sources (YouTube doesn't allow brackets, sorry): • Faulkner, Dr Neil. History - Ancient History in depth: Romanisation: The Process of Becoming Roman. BBC. 17 Feb. 2011. BBC. 26 June 2019 • http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/... • Genghis Khan's genetic legacy has competition. Nature News. Nature Publishing Group. 20 June 2019 • https://www.nature.com/news/genghis-k... • Matthews, Rupert. The Age of the Gladiators: Savagery Spectacle in Ancient Rome. Chartwell Books, 2005. pp 22-23 (Gauls), 51 -52 (Lanista), 67 (Female Gladiators.) • (Female Druids): Runica – Germanica – Mediaevalia. Edited by Wilhelm Heizmann and Astrid van Nahl. Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde. Band 37. Berlin – New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2003. 1024 pp 105