IraqKuwait Saddam Retains Leadership
(23 Oct 1995) T/I: 10:34:42 • • SADDAM STILL IN CHARGE • • Iraq/Kuwait Natsot Duration: 3.52 • • Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has ruled Iraq for more than 16 years. The 58-year-old Arab joined the Iraqi Ba'th Party in 1957, and two years later, fled to Cairo as a poltical refugee after participating in an attempt to assassinate President Abdul Karim Qasim. He returned to Iraq in 1963 when the Ba'th Party came to power. But after the party was ousted by the Nasserites in 1964, Saddam was arrested after participating in a failed coup attempt against President Abdul Salam Aref. The party regained power in 1968, and Saddam took charge of the secret security apparatus. He eventually joined the Revolutionary Command Council, Iraq's highest governing body, gradually becoming the second man after President Ahmad Hassan el-Bakr, to whom he was related. In the late 1970s, el-Bakr became a nominal president as Saddam became the real ruler. In July 1979, el-Bakr handed over the presidency and party leadership to Saddam, who consolidated his grip on power by brutal repression. In 1980, the Iraqi army attacked Iran, beginning an eight-year war in which one million Iraqis and Iranians were killed. In August 1990, Saddam Hussein's army invaded Kuwait, sparking the Gulf War and the defeat of Iraq by the Western Allies. Saddam has clung onto power despite the and international sanctions which are still in effect against Iraq. • • SHOWS: • • (IRAQ 29 APRIL, 1995) Saddam receives members of Iraqi leadership on occasion of his birthday. Saddam seated with members of his leadership. (IRAQ APRIL, 1995) Saddam walking towards building site of Islamic Centre to music with soldiers ahead of him. Saddam carrying corner stone of Islamic Centre. CU of corner stone. Saddam preparing cement to lay the corner stone. CU Saddam laying stone. (IRAQ 16 JULY, 1995) Saddam meets with US Senator Bill Richardson, who succeeded in convincing Saddam to release two Americans who strayed across Kuwaiti-Iraqi border. (IRAQ 28 FEBRUARY, 1992) Saddam receiving Iraqi children. (IRAQ JULY, 1992) Saddam doing popular tribal dance. Cheering women. Saddam shooting gun in traditional celebratory manner as others do tribal dance. (IRAQ 30 APRIL, 1992) Crowds cheering as Saddam is about to inaugurate Palestine Bridge in Baghdad. Saddam walking on the bridge. Fireworks. Saddam praying on bridge. Fireworks. Saddam greeting cheering crowds. (KUWAIT 3 OCTOBER, 1990) Saddam visiting Iraqi forces in Kuwait two months after Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. Iraqi soldiers digging trenches. Machine gun near trench and Saddam jumping into it. Saddam sitting in trench. (NORTHERN IRAQ 1988) Bodies of civilian Kurdish victims who died in a chemical weapons attack launched by the Iraqi army against the Kurds after the Iran-Iraq war. • • #Saddam #Hussein • Find out more about AP Archive: • Twitter: / ap_archive • Facebook: / aparchives • Instagram: / apnews • • • You can license this story through AP Archive: