OLD BUBSY 3D Caddicarus
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=2AWGXx8H79g
Oh no, it's Bobsy Burbcat. NEW VIDEOS EVERY WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY AND SUNDAY! Check out Hidden Block for more = http://www.hiddenblock.com, and if you'd like 15% off of amazing original gaming/movie/TV wall prints, go to http://www.thepixelempire.com and use the coupon code CADDY on checkout! • Also, thanks SO much to Nico for the custom Vibri PS1, and thanks to arts and frights on Tumblr for the creepy little .gif in the new intro! Special thanks to Rerez ( / rereztv , Tennings ( / tennings , Johnny ( / somecallmejohnny ) and Rosie ( / aweirdoonyourscreen ) • And do you want to see what games I've been buying and playing? What games are in my collection, and are sitting on my shelves right now? What video equipment I use? Well then - go down to http://www.gamesgrabr.com right here http://bit.ly/1Ge7hES to see and possibly buy exactly what I have got! • SPECIAL THANKS to Kevin Macleod and his amazing royalty-free music for practically anything in your projects! = http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... • OLLY'S CAMERA WORK! = http://vimeo.com/ollyross • MY TWITCH CHANNEL! = / caddicarus • FOLLOW ME ON TUMBLR! = / thecaddicarus • LIKE ME ON FACEBOOK! = / caddicarus • FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER! = / caddicarus • SUBSCRIBE! And remember to stay beautiful. Much loves! • DISCLAIMER - I don't own ANYTHING copyrighted from this video. Please support the world's industries and check them all out yourself!