Pokémon XY Remix Vs Legendary XerneasYveltalZygarde
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=2BB4VTvoj7k
►Join my Discord Server!: / discord • ►Subscribe to me on YouTube!: http://bit.ly/1NHd09J • MP3: / pokemon-xy-remix-vs-legendary-xerneas-yvel... • Thumbnail: http://i.imgur.com/TDL3SoK.jpg • [vvv OLD TEXT vvv] • So I procrastinated by making this instead of finishing my art project that's due tonight. ...At least it's productive procrastination, right? • Not TOO happy with this one, it's rather short and I feel like the drums are hard to hear. Oh well, that's what second versions of remixes are for! • The X/Y music is starting to dwindle down. :( I've only got the rival, trainer, and wild battles left to remix as far as battle themes go. Most town music for me in this game was ehh, but there are a couple more towns and routes from this game I'd like to remix. What would you like to see next? • • MP3: https://app.box.com/s/dsxsow8zdj5kl3a... • First Picture: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.ph... • Second Picture: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.ph... • Third Picture: / i_painted_zygarde_enjoy • You can use these remixes in any videos and even for monetized videos, but be sure to credit TheOphidians and put a link to our channel in your description.