Queso Crema Casero Homemade Cream Cheese
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=2BpdfVZ4TbA
Queso Crema Casero // Homemade Cream Cheese • (English Keeps Scrolling ⤵️) • • 500gr Yogurt Griego • 1 Cucharadita Sal • Combina los ingredientes, deja en la nevera al menos 8 horas, retira el liquido y guarda en un envase hermético. • ENGLISH - • • 500gr Greek Yogurt • 1 Teaspoon Salt • Combine the ingredients, leave in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours, remove the liquid and store in an airtight container. • #andrescooking #arepa #quesocrema #creamcheese