Chapter 10 Meanwhile back in Beleriand Silmarillion Explained
Support me on Patreon: / voiceofgeekdom • Chapter Ten catches us up on what has been happening in Middle-earth since the Calaquendi left with Ulmo... right up until the return of the Noldor; which we read about in the previous chapter. King Thingol and Melian the Maia rule in Eglador/Doriath, and begin to set up trade and diplomatic relations with their neighbours the dwarves, while the Nandor elves in Beleriand decide to take Thingol as their king. • Silmarillion Explained Playlist: • The Silmarillion Explained • Follow on Twitter: / voiceofgeek • Follow on Instagram: / voiceofgeekdom • Like on Facebook: / voiceofgeekdom • Thumbnail art is by Steamey: