Charli XCX Boys COVER
I was busy thinkin' 'bout boysss ~ Charli XCX - BOYS COVER- YES. Me all day everydayyy. Kidding. It explains my high school life so much though... Also tried to do something different for a cover. Hope you enjoy loves x • Instrumental made from scratch by me. Low-key proud of the production considering I did this all in one day LOL. • SOUNDCLOUD LINK: / boys-charli-xcx-cover • LINKS HERE BABEZ: • ♡ I N S T A G R A M: / isabellamariegonzalez • ♡ S N A P C H A T: @omgbellamarie • ♡ T W I T T E R : / omgbellamarie • ♡ F A C E B O O K : / isabellagonzalezmusic • ♡ S O U N D C L O U D: / omgbellamarie • You are all amazing, LOVE YOUUUU SO MUCH X • my dad had a listen btw and he was like 'wow yeah this is you'. thanks dad....