Thousands attend memorial on 30th anniversary of Cubana Airlines attack


(7 Oct 2006) SHOTLIST • Havana, Cuba - 6 October 2006 • 1. Wide of people marching at Colon cemetery with pictures of those killed in the bombing of a Cuban airliner 30 years ago, carrying banner saying (Spanish) We demand justice • 2. Mid of people marching with pictures of victims • 3. Close up of people marching with pictures of victims • 4. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) No name available, widow of Jesus Rojo, victim: • We have been waiting for justice to be done with this man (Luis Posada Carriles) for 30 years. He continues to enjoy life, and our dead cannot rest in peace until justice is served. • 5. Top shot of mourners in front of tombs • 6. Mid of wreath, flag, guard of honour • 7. Close up of guard of honour playing bugle • 8. Top shot of relatives placing flowers on tombs • 9. Close up pan of relatives placing flowers on tombs • 10. Mid of elderly couple • 11. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Alberto Abreu, father of airliner victim: • We have faith in our revolution and believe that this horrendous thing can finally be put to rest once and for all. • 12. Mid of people carrying photos of victims • 13. Wide of people carrying photos of victims • FILE: Havana, Cuba - September 2006 • 14. Wide exterior of US Interests Section in Havana with black flags placed by Cuban government to remember the victims of the bombing of the Cuban airliner • 15. Zoom in of billboard advertising imaginary film, reading (Spanish): The Assassin, starring Luis Posada Carriles and George W. Bush , pan right across poster showing photo of Bush and Posada Carriles • FILE: In flight over Barbados - October 1976 • 16. Pan to right of a Cubana flight taking off from Barbados (this is not the plane that had the explosion) • 17. AUDIO (English Spanish) with black screen and Spanish translation of pilot's desperate plea to land after onboard explosion • PILOT: Seawell! This is Cubana 455. • CONTROLLER: Cubana 455, this is Seawell. • P: We have an explosion on board and we are descending immediately. We have a fire on board. • C: Cubana 455 can you return to the airport? Cubana 455, this is Seawell. • P: Right here Seawell, this is Cubana 455. We are soliciting an immediate landing. • C: Cubana 455, you are authorised. • P: Received. Close the door! Close the door! • C: We have a total emergency on standby. • P: That is worse! Stay near the water fellow. Stay near the water. • OTHER PILOT: Cubana, this is Cari-West 650, can we help? • Havana, Cuba - 1976 • 18. Pan to left of Revolution Square with massive crowd • 19. Mid of Cuban President Fidel Castro at podium • 20. SOUNDBITE: (Spanish) Fidel Castro, Cuban President: • The C.I.A. (Central Intelligence Agency) is behind these events! • 21. Zoom into funeral procession arriving at Revolution Square • 22. Mid of soldiers draping Cuban flags on coffins • 23. Zoom out from pictures of victims to flight attendants standing as honour guard • 24. Zoom out from families and friends crying as they walk by caskets • STORYLINE • Hundreds of people gathered in Havana's Colon cemetery early on Friday to remember the victims of a Cuban airliner explosion 30 years ago. • On October 6th, 1976, a Cubana airline flight exploded over Barbados on a return flight to Havana. • Dramatic audio, which was recovered from the plane's black box, documents the final minutes before the plane crashed, killing all 73 people on board. • Alberto Abreu was among scores of relatives of killed in the sabotage who made a pilgrimage to Colon Cemetery, some hoisting large posters with black-and-white photographs of their dead loved ones. • His son and daughter-in-law were killed in the mid-air explosion. • • Find out more about AP Archive: • Twitter:   / ap_archive   • Facebook:   / aparchives   ​​ • Instagram:   / apnews   • • • You can license this story through AP Archive:


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