Nicholson Baker A Reading of The Anthologist 2009 410

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ Noted author and essayist Nicholson Baker reading from his book, The Anthologist: A Novel, and answering questions on time, creativity and the act of writing from students at the European Graduate School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland. In Nicholson Bakers own words, The Anthologist is a story of a free verse poet collapsing in on himself through a series of missed deadlines. Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland. Nicholson Baker 2009 • Nicholson Baker is a novelist and essayist who has published widely since 1988. His latest novel, The Anthologist was called a novel inside a novel, a life within a life by the Los Angeles Times and has been hailed as a critical success since its publication. One of Bakers most well known books, Vox, describes an episode of phone sex via a pay-by-minute phone line, while another, The Fermata, using Deleuzes idea of the Fold, describes a narrators ability to stop time, to freeze frame, which he then uses to seduce the unconscious women around him. Bakers novels are short, concise, quick meditations on hidden, intimate moments in his characters lives. Working in a sense where Joyce and Beckett left off—though with wholly American subjects locked in the isolation of late capitalism—Bakers work is considered to be amongst the cannon of post-modern literature. • In addition to his many novels, Baker has also been preoccupied with the digitization of the literary world and the destruction of the archive, in this case the library. In Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper, Baker launched an attack of his own on libraries, which he sees as increasingly forgoing their role as an archive, and instead focus on ways to save space and economize. Presaging the Google book project, Baker criticised the ways in which libraries falsified reports on the life span of paper in order to transfer old newspapers to microfiche, which is at best unstable. • Nicholson Bakers many books include the novels The Mezzanine (1990), Room Temperature (1990) Vox: A Novel (1992) The Fermata (1994), and the non-fiction books The Size of Thoughts: Essays and Other Lumber (1992), Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper (2001) and Human Smoke: The Beginnings of World War II, and the End of Civilization (2008). His most recent novel, The Anthologist was published in 2009.


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