Hotstart EVRHEAT Series 20 Engine Heater Installation Video
Hotstart EVRHEAT Series 20 Engine Heater is a forced circulation engine block heater designed and built with efficiency, versatility, and reliability in mind. This video shows the best practices for installation of the EVR20 on generator engines up to 20 liters in size. • Proper installation of the EVR20 will improve heater performance and life, providing critical coolant heating for emergency generators during standby mode. This video includes: • 1 - Engine Preparation • 2 - Port Selection for coolant supply and return to the engine • 3 - Mounting of the engine heater • 4 - Plumbing the engine heater to the engine • 5 - Start-up of the EVR20 Engine Heater • For help with troubleshooting the EVR20 Engine Heater after it's been installed, please refer to the Hotstart EVRHEAT Series 20 Troubleshooting Video. • Hotstart EVRHEAT Series 20 Engine Hea... • Visit for more information on the EVRHEAT Series 20 Engine Heater.