Digital Applications for Archaeological OpenAir Museums
by Bangcheng Tang • Sichuan University, Chengdu (China) • In this presentation, I will suggest three types of digital applications for archaeological open-air museums. • In terms of external publicity and attracting visitors, we can film selected living history actors in and around the reconstructed buildings. The resulting short videos can be shared online at the museum’s website, other websites and through various network platforms to attract people to come and visit the museum in real life. • We can include scene virtual reality equipment into several of the museum’s reconstructed buildings to present the digital living history footage. This way, visitors can have a more vivid experience with virtual reality when watching the reconstructed environment. The virtual and convenient digital display is combined with the real living history display, giving the public a unique experience of visiting the archaeological open-air museum. The hybrid presentation options can save some staff costs for the museum in the off-season. In that part of the year, a real living history show is performed in a fixed place in the museum while in the peak season, a real living history show is performed in the museum continuously. • In the aspect of ancient technology display, digitalisation plays a more similar role in optimizing technology learning manuals or equipment instructions, which can effectively help the audience understand the reconstructed ancient technology based on experimental archaeological research, as well as the possible effects of each step of these ancient technologies. • After digital learning, visitors are likely to gain pleasure from the reality of digital knowledge from previous self-learning in the process of experiencing the operation of ancient technology, and effectively improve the satisfaction of visitors. • #exarc #RETOLD #conference2024 #digitalisation #documentation #openairmuseums #archaeology #reconstruction #techinmuseums #culturalheritage #historicalbuildings #ancienttechnology #crafts #experimentalarchaeology #3dtechnology