Its About Time Episode 1 quotI Dont Believe Itquot Opening Scene
Now remember children, what is the number one rule before watching a poem analysis video? Read the poem first, miss! Spiffing, my dears! • Thanks to DRose Legacy for requesting this video. I like to think of this poem as the Blade Runner of Robert Frost - it's almost like he was writing about creepy Artificial Intelligence like fifty years before it even existed. Oh and who else is an utter fangirl for the Shakespeare reference in the title? Verona brags of Out, Out-- to be a virtuous and well-governed poem! (sorry I am the biggest Shakespeare nerd in the world in case you didn't know) • The sources I used: • (great for breaking down individual lines) • (more great line-by-line detail) • (good for contextual analysis, and apparently it's the best Wordpress site ever... can't argue with that) • (not much here but it gave me some insight) • Ohhkkkaaaaay onto the rambly updates and randomness part of the description I know you're all really here for. :D • First off... WHHHHOOOOOOAAAA GUYSSS THIS CHANNEL HAS A HUNDRED SUBSCRIBERS!! AND ONE OF MY VIDEOS HAS A THOUSAND VIEWS!!!! Like what?!?! That's actually ridiculous. I am so grateful for all your support - seriously it makes me SO HAPPY every time someone comments that I've helped them. I love you guys! (lol tried to make a heart symbol there but apparently angle brackets aren't allowed in YouTube descriptions... what a cold loveless world we live in) • Secondly, I wanted to give an update on non-poetry-analysis videos on this channel. For a while I've been wanting to make more vlog and sit-down type videos about education, motivation, eco-activism and loads of other stuff I'm passionate about. In various places on this channel I've promised to upload videos about how I'm revising for my A Levels, how I took GCSEs from home, how I applied to uni being home-schooled and my guide to being self-motivated. Aaaaand I haven't done any of those yet. So I just wanted to drop in here and say they will be coming eventually. I've been developing ideas about what style of video I want to make and have been researching good editing software (if anyone knows of any good ones for Windows computers PLEASE let me know) - so I promise a lot's been going on behind the scenes. • Also of course I knew A Level revision would be hella intense but of course it's EVEN MORE intense than I thought. Like I'm literally studying 9 - 5 most days - sometimes more, and it's only March! After that I'm always way too drained to work on YouTube stuff. I've been quite consistently giving myself two days off a week which is brilliant, but I work one of those and on the other I usually just want to chill and haven't found the energy to make videos yet. To be honest if things carry on like this I might wait until exams are over to properly start developing my channel. • But in ze meantime I think I might make another week in the life vlog to show you how I'm revising (and why I have no time to upload anything else lol). Though revision is very demanding, my mental health is actually doing great and I feel sooooo much better than I did this time both years of my GCSEs (I took exams both years - half in Year 10 and half in 11) - both in terms of being on top of the work and just being happy in general. I feel like I'm actually managing to live my life and develop other interests alongside my studies which is a freaking miracle and I'm so thankful. So yeah, if anyone is interested in seeing a video about how I'm managing revision life and mental health day-to-day, let me know. • I should mention that any vlog or discussion type videos I make in future won't be coming at the expense of these Frostie powerpoints. My aim was to make videos about the 20 poems featured in the CIE A Level syllabus and we're so close to completing that!! I now have requests for every poem I have yet to analyse (wow!) so I'll definitely be getting them all up. I've even scheduled when I'm going to work on these vids and upload each of them (whoa sophisticated) and if all goes to plan they should all be up before the end of April. Next up is going to be Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, then Two Look at Two, then The Ax-Helve, then The Road Not Taken. Get your notepads out everyone LET'S DO THIS THING.