Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped Level 16 Sphynxinator CrystalCrate Gem Get


The 4th Warp Room chamber is themed after Ancient Egypt, helmed by the return of Dr. N. Gin. Once again, he's the 4th boss for the game, just like in Crash 2. • There are actually two more levels based on the Egyptian theme here, and Coco returns for two other levels that are here, as well. • Sphynxinator is one of the two Egyptian levels of the 4th chamber, and the 2nd one overall. At the start, make sure you go backward to get some crates you could've easily missed. • The left route of the starting fork in the road is just an alternate path with no crate, but loose 1-UPs. You can get all the way over there with a Double Jump to Death Tornado Spin combo if you want, but I won't do that, here. • There's a Blue Gem Platform in this stage, but I'll wait to come back to use it once I get the actual Blue Gem itself. • ---------- • See my N-Sane Trilogy run through this level, here!: •    • Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped (N-Sane Tri...  


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