7 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Cough
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Full Playlist: • Learn about Acupressure • - • - • Watch more Learn about Acupressure videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/180403-... • The next time you're hacking up a lung, try stopping it with the ancient Chinese healing art acupressure. • Warning • If you feel pain when using acupressure, stop immediately. Pregnant women should not use acupressure. • Step 1: Press beneath your collarbone • Using the index and middle fingers on each hand, press the two spots located on either side of the notch at the base of the throat, in the hollow just below the collarbone. This strengthens the respiratory system. Keep the pressure up for one to three minutes with this exercise and the following ones. • Step 2: Reach behind you • Reach behind you to press the acupressure points known as the Vital Diaphragm, located about an inch below the highest point of each shoulder blade, toward the center of your back. • Tip • Have someone else press points on your back if you can't reach. • Step 3: Tilt your head down • Tilt your head down and, using the first two fingers on each hand, put pressure on the points a bit above and on either side of the vertabra that protrudes at the top of the spine when your head is leaning forward. This manipulates the point known as Ding Chuan, which relieves wheezing. • Step 4: Relieve a dry cough • For a dry cough, try pressing the point called Heaven Rushing Out: It’s located in the large hollow at the base of your throat, below your Adam's apple, if you're a man. • Did You Know? • Chronic coughing that is the result of emotional problems is called psychogenic coughing, and mostly occurs in children.