Find our New Lectures Here: • Ninja Nerds! • We are SO SORRY for blowing up everyone's feed with our new lectures. Our primary goal is to get all of our new content in front of each and everyone as soon as possible. We DID NOT realize the horrible consequences of uploading all of our new content at once. We did not have any malicious intents or spamming in mind. We simply wanted to provide you all with the content you have been waiting so patiently to see. • All of our new YouTube lectures are currently UNLISTED. We will slowly begin to start unlisting them as to not cause too much overload on all of your YouTube feeds. Again, this was not intentional and we only wanted to provide you with the content that has been long overdue. • We have ALL of our NEW content on our Ninja Nerd website for you which is going to avoid any excessive notifications. We apologize greatly for this oversight on our end. Thank you all for your understanding! • -The Ninja Nerd Team