The Story Of Leshy
Leshy, in Slavic mythology, the forest spirit. The leshy is a sportive spirit who enjoys playing tricks on people, though when angered he can be treacherous. He is seldom seen, but his voice can be heard in the forest laughing, whistling, or singing. When the leshy is spotted, he can be easily recognized; for, though he often has the appearance of a man, his eyebrows, eyelashes, and right ear are missing, his head is somewhat pointed, and he lacks a hat and belt. In his native forest the leshy is as tall as the trees, but, the moment he steps beyond, he shrinks to the size of grass. • Leshy is also a shape-changer, who can take the shape of any animal, especially wolves or bears, who are the receivers of his special protection. People who are kind to Leshy when they meet are often recipients of gifts: in folk tales, cattle are tended for poor peasants, and princes are guided on quests and find their proper princesses. • Leshy is also prone to abducting babies who have not been baptized, or children who entered the forest to pick berries or fish. He leads people astray in the forest, getting them hopelessly lost, and he has been known to drop into a wayside tavern for a visit, drink a bucket of vodka, then lead his pack of wolves back into the forest. • People who find they have annoyed a leshy or find themselves lost in the woods are advised to make the leshy laugh. Taking off all your clothes, putting them on backward, and switching your shoes to the wrong feet generally does the trick. You can also drive them away by prayers alternating with curses, or apply salt to a fire. • Please subscribe to our channel / ideahaven • • #TheWitcher • #ScaryStories • #HorrorStories • #ScaryStoriesAnimated • #ScaryStoriesToTellInTheDark • #ScaryStoriesToTellInTheDarkAudiobook • #ScaryStoriesForKids • #ScaryStoriesTiktok • #ScaryStoriesAnimatedReaction • #ScaryStoriesReaction • #HorrorStoriesAnimated • #HorrorStoriesInHindi • #HorrorStoriesHindiUrdu • #HorrorStoriesReal • #HorrorStoriesInUrdu • #TheWitcher3 • #TheWitcherSong • #TheWitcherSoundtrack • #Leshy • #ScaryStoriesToFallAsleepTo