How to Change a Go Kart Sprocket
Here's a how to video on changing go kart sprockets. Most go karts won't have the exact same sprocket setup that this one has, but this should give a general idea on how to change a sprocket. Enjoy! • Like CarsandCameras on Facebook: / carsandcamerasreviews • Music: • ATTENTION: WE ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR INJURIES INFLICTED UPON ONESELF OR OTHERS IN ANY GO KART, MINI BIKE, CAR, OR OTHER RELATED ACCIDENTS. ALL CARSANDCAMERAS CONTENT IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. The following video features activities performed in controlled environments by knowledgeable persons. DO NOT attempt to duplicate, re-create, or perform the same or similar activities at home, as personal injury or property damage may result. CARS AND CAMERAS, the persons shown in this video and ANY CONTRIBUTOR, ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANY such injury or damage. ALL CARSANDCAMERAS CONTENT IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. • • Cars and Cameras makes no representation about the sufficiency of any safety precautions and equipment used in this video.