Cognitive Dissonance Remember The Hurt Proof of Concept
It's been almost 7 years since i've edited anything. • I've come a pretty long way since the last time i put an edit together. For a while i really wanted to make this video. Its been an idea in my head that has changed and taken shape over the past 7 years. • This is only a proof of concept that i threw together using Clip Champ and OBS. Im not intending to use clipchamp for the final product. This was purely so i could create something with the tools i had at my disposal. I recently got a PC that i spent just shy of 1300 on, its a pretty powerful PC with an RTX 3080, i8700 processor, 32 gigs of ram and 6 CPU cores. • Main reason i bought it was because i wanted to make this video and the eventual full one. • The full video, in my estimation will be around 25-30 minutes long. And it is going to be very personal to myself. Im not making this for entertainment, or to just upload something. Im creating something that speaks to me as a person. And i hope it resonates with other people. I hope it speaks to you in some way and your life experiences. Over the next few months im going to be saving money up for a high quality video editor, and whatever other tools i need to get the best looking and sounding footage that im going to need for this video. • Im not sure when it'll finally come to fruition, it probably wont be until sometime next year in 2025. • The core premise of this video is to explore confliction through trauma, and how to bridge the gaps in our souls, our contradictions, our traumas, our failures, and how to overcome all of that, and become better people. How to find meaning in death, believing in the power of our existence after its gone. How to find meaning in trauma, how to learn from it, grow from it, change from it for the better. This is not meant to be a glorification or romanticization of trauma or mental illness, but a thoughtful and meaningful exploration of those concepts. Cognitive Dissonance is when you hold conflicting beliefs and ideas simultaneously. I want this to be about bridging the dissonance in ourselves, and becoming whole again. • I plan to use more than what was shown here, 19 individual pieces of fiction that have left an impact on me, that I've spent years writing down parallels and thematic connections I've made between them all so that when I start creating the full video, I have a lot of basis for what i want to do, some of which was used in this video, so that the connections dont feel jarring or out of place. This took me about a week to put together, its a little rough in some areas, but the final video will be extensively polished and edited. Im going to take my time with it, i wanna get it right. Make sure nothing feels out of place or sloppily put together • The idea for this primarily came from myself and my own inner turmoil and struggles, but there are some videos I’ve seen on here that also inspired me. The primary one being Fallout 4 - Dream; • Fallout 4 - Dream • Where the idea behind that video was to take what was already existing within Fallout 4, and cleverly using the dialogue and creative camera work to tell his own story of human failure and tragedy. That’s, in a sense, what I want to do, except I want to leave it off on a more positive uplifting philosophical note. And tackle different thematic themes as I had listed beforehand. I’m using different pieces of art that have spoken to me in someway, and connecting them to tell a Philosophical tale of the human condition. To create a wholistic connection between them all because, I feel like I have something to say. About how we can truly overcome our traumas and turmoils to become the best we can be, and how we can use our failures to strengthen our resolves, and use it as stable ground to stand tall through it all. • Bridge the dissonance within.