Israeli Strike On Refugee Camp Kills 40 Injures 60


An Israeli airstrike hit a densely-packed refugee camp in Gaza's Muwasi humanitarian zone killing at least 40 Palestinians and injuring 60 others on Tuesday (9/10). The camp was left in ruins as first responders and desperate residents worked through the night by the dim light of mobile phones searching for survivors and recovering bodies from the debris. • ------------------ • Selasa (10/9) Serangan udara Israel menghantam sebuah kamp pengungsi yang padat di zona kemanusiaan Muwasi, Gaza, menewaskan sedikitnya 40 orang Palestina dan melukai 60 lainnya. Kamp tersebut berubah menjadi reruntuhan. Para petugas medis dan warga yang putus asa bekerja sepanjang malam dengan cahaya redup dari telepon genggam untuk mencari korban yang selamat dan menemukan mayat-mayat di antara reruntuhan. • • You can also watch and access SEA Today through your favorite application, website or various platforms such as IndiHome TV CH. 101 HD, MAX Stream, MOLA, My Republic, Vidio, MNC Vision, MNC Play, and FIRST Media. • Don't forget to subscribe, leave comments and share this video •    / seatodaynews   • Stay connected - follow us on all our social media platforms! •   / seatodaynews   •   / seatodaynews   •   / seatodaynews  


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