Celtic Harp 17thCentury Scottish Music 15
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The Balcarres Lute Book is a late 17th-century compilation of mostly Scottish music arranged for lute. Thanks to the Universities of Glasgow and Aberdeen and the editorial work of Matthew Spring, we have a facsimile edition of the lute tablature and a grand-staff transcription, from which I shall be playing. • I have chosen to focus on native Scottish pieces and to omit the foreign, predominantly French, ones. Also, I shall omit, at least for the time being, some pieces that are excessively long, though I may come back to them at a later date. In some cases, though, I shall have to omit a not-too-long native Scottish piece as well because it is not technically possible on the harp, requiring the left hand to play a note and flip a lever at the same time. Also, on very rare occasions, I might have to move a note to a different octave to make it playable on the harp. • Many of the pieces in this manuscript consist of paired strains and thus have an AB structure. Where the AB structure occurs only once, I treat the double bars as repeat signs. In cases where the AB structure appears two or more times, I treat the double bars simply as section divisions. • The most common ornament in the lute tablature is a comma sign after a note. On shorter notes, I treat it as an appoggiatura and on longer notes generally as a short trill, though on the lute I would probably do something a little more elaborate. • It is my present plan to post these pieces in groups of ten at two-week intervals. The following pieces are given in this video: • 00:00: The Paralment's Rant • 00:57: The Cararies (Mr. Lesslie's Way) • 02:18: News Are Come to Town • 03:29: The Captain Shall Not Get Thee • 05:31: Over the Moore to Maggie (The Old Way) • 06:34: Cromlick's Lilt (Mr. MacKlachland's Way) • 08:04: The Chancellour's Farewell • 09:39: If Thou Wert Myne Own Thing (Mr. McClaughlan's Way) • 11:05: The Malt Grinds Well • 12:39: Bessie Bell • The first fourteen videos in this series are now available in this playlist, to which further videos will be added as they become available: • Celtic Harp: 17th-Century Scottish Music . • You may find a playlist of my other harp work here: https://studio.youtube.com/playlist/P....