This Tree Will Kill You


#sandbox tree#the sandbox tree#dynamite tree#tree#manchineel tree#dangerous trees#sanbox tree#wher is sandbox tree#deadly sandbox tree#the deadly sandbox tree#facts about sandbox tree#dangerous tree#trees#the deadly tree | sandbox tree#the sandbox tree fruit exploding#exploding tree#the dynamite tree#world's most dangerous tree#hura tree#the exploding fruit of the african sandbox tree#spiky tree#deadly tree#the manchineel tree#poisonous tree • Meet the Sandbox tree, also known as the dynamite tree, possum wood, and monkey no-climb. This evergreen tree belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae and is native to the tropical regions of North and South America. Everything about this tree screams danger. The trunk is adorned with sharp, dagger-like spikes that can easily pierce through flesh, forming impenetrable armor. Its grenade-like fruits explode when dry, with a force compared to a pistol shot, flinging seeds at speeds of up to 150 miles per hour. The fruit is poisonous, causing violent cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. The sap can cause skin rashes and irritation on contact. If the sap gets into your eyes, it can even cause temporary blindness, making this tree a perilous presence in its native habitats.


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