Carlos Vives quotPa Mayte SOLOquot Tutorial de Guitarra por David Lambo
Transcripción gratis: • Sígueme: / david-lambo-131061190293815 • / davidlambo • / davidlambo • / 131061190293815 • David Lambo tocando el Solo del tema Pa' Maite de Carlos Vives. La guitarra esta conectada directamente a la CPU a traves de la unidad UX1 de Line 6 y grabada directamente en Logic 8. El sonido viene de los presets de Logic. • David Lambo performing the Solo of Pa' Maite by Carlos Vives. The guitar has been connected to the CPU directly through the UX1 unit by Line 6 and has been recorded with Logic 8. The sound is coming from the presets of Logic 8.