10 EPIC Moments From Charlie’s Angels 2006 amp Full Throttle

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10 REAL ANGELS CAUGHT ON CAMERA SPOTTED IN REAL LIFE! • If you're new, Subscribe! → http://goo.gl/djmfuX • For copyright queries or general inquiries please get in touch: [email protected] • Sources: https://pastebin.com/EdnJdhmX • Top 5 Best is the #1 place for all your heart warming stories about amazing people that will inspire you everyday. Make sure to subscribe and never miss a single video! • #viralstory #amazingpeople #top5best • • 10 REAL ANGELS CAUGHT ON CAMERA amp; SPOTTED IN REAL LIFE! • Do you believe in angels? No? Well, these footages just might change your mind, especially when the • footage is accompanied by a miracle, just like number one so stay tuned for that. Here are 10 angels • caught on camera. • Number 10. Angel on the Football Field •    • Man says son is the angel spotted in ...   • On November 7, 2009, Doug Luaders was set to coach a JCYA youth football game in Fenton, Missouri. • That very same day, a photo was taken on the field showing two smiling boys celebrating their win. But • the disposable camera also seemed to capture a white shadowy figure floating right alongside the • beaming boys. • When Doug saw the photo, he was completely blown away. You see, Doug’s 20-year-old son was • supposed to be his assistant coach that day. But on his way to the game, Kyle passed away in a horrible • car crash after his vehicle collided with a semi-truck. The mysterious photo became public. Doug, and • many others in their community and beyond, believe the white angelic figure was Kyle, who was on his • way to the very football field where the picture was taken. • I hate being cynical, and I’m happy that Doug found a certain level of solace on the photo, especially for • what happened to his son. But then again, is it just me or does the “angel” look more like a blurred • extreme close up of a mosquito? Believe whatever you want to believe I guess. • Number 9. In-flight Angel •    • Mom claims son captured his guardian ...   • Seven-year-old AAsher Lisles dreams of being a famous photographer. Every time he sees his mom • holding her phone, he immediately takes it and starts taking photos. He takes some great photos, mostly • of random things. But one photo he took while on a plane ride home from Washington may just make • his dreams come true. • AAsher, who was born with Down Syndrome hence the two uppercase A’s on his name which, according • to his mom, represents the extra chromosome, which is quite clever I must say, was with his mom on • the plane ride home from visiting his older brother. There was a lot of turbulence at the time, during • which AAsher asked for his mom’s phone and started taking pictures. • When Kerri, AAsher’s mom, got her phone back, she started going through the photos her son took, • even deleting some of them. But when she got to this particular photo, she was dumbfounded. • Honestly, it took me off guard as well so I’d rather you just look at it for yourself than describe it. • Kerri thinks it’s Asher’s guardian angel looking after him while in flight. But what do you think? • Comment down below. • Number 8. Angel in Ghana • • Do you believe everything you see in the news? If your answer is yes, then this next news clip will • definitely make you believe in angels. • A Ghanaian News Channel reported on a strange sighting in Dansoman, Ghana. In a segment called “an • encounter with the dead”, a man was telling a story of a very strange event that happened to him. He • said that he saw, and was able to film, a strange flying creature frolicking in the clouds above him. This • creature, which he believes to be an angel, can be seen flying in and out of the dark clouds, as if playing. • Again, of course, the footage is very grainy and the flying creature could be anything. It could even be a • hoax for all we know. But then again, if the story was good enough for Ghana’s national TV, then there • just might be something to this very strange sighting • Number 7. The Mosque Angel • Most people think that angels only exist in Christian religions. But the fact is, they appear in the stories • of many religions around the world. Angels play a major role in Islamic religions. According to their • religion Allah sends the angels to every Mosque to shower his blessings on the people. Islamic belief in • angels is so prevalent that any paranormal activity seen in mosques are almost always attributed to • angels of Allah. This clip is no exception. • Muslims offering prayers at a Mosque in Azerbaijan were surprised by what they described as an ‘Angel • Ghost’ offering prayers. Some were convinced that it was an angel and others believed it to be a ghost. • They preferred the Angel approach as it appeared to be praying, and they believe that a ghost cannot • offer prayers but an angel can. • The video was shot using a phone, hence its grainy quality, making others think that the so-called angel • may be a trick of the light. But then again, if said video strengthens someone’s faith and its effect os • overall positive, it doesn’t really matter if it’s real or not, does it?


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