Основы электротехники Курс Электрика своими руками ч1

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   • Основы электротехники. (Исправленная ...   - Corrected version. • Fundamentals of electrical engineering. A simple electrical circuit. Parallel and series connection of conductors. • https://bit.ly/ElSanKan - Subscribe but my ZEN channel • https://bit.ly/Pomkan - Support the channel financially • • https://bit.ly/KursEl Young electrician course All parts • http://bit.ly/el_sv_ruk The best electrical videos • DISCLAIMER IN THE ROLL • 1. The current is not denoted by the letter J, but by the letter I. • 2. The electromagnetic field is formed around the conductor, and not from + to -. • 3. The power dissipated by the bulb is 0.625W, not 1W. • 4. Not General Ohm's Law, but Ohm's Law for a complete circuit. • 5. I=E/(Rin+Rext) - more correct spelling of Ohm's Law for a complete circuit. • 6. 220 volts/100 bulbs=2.2 volts, not 2.5 • 00:00 - Who is the young electrician course for? • 00:43 - A simple electrical circuit. What is EDS? • 02:02 - What is electric current? • 02:44 - The generally accepted direction of movement of electric current. • 03:09 - What is electrical resistance. • 04:05 - What is electrical voltage? • 04:17 - Ohm's law for a simple circuit. • 05:12 - Ohm's Triangle - Your assistant for calculating a simple electrical circuit. • 06:39 - An example of calculating a simple electrical circuit. • 07:46 - The power of the electric current. Calculation of the power of electric current. • 08:31 - Ohm's law for a complete circuit. • 09:15 - EMF and Voltage of the electrical circuit. Similarities and differences. • 10:03 - Parallel connection of conductors. • 10:50 - Electrical circuit node. Branches of an electrical circuit. • 11:18 - 1st law of Kirchhoff • 11:55 - Total resistance of parallel connected conductors. • 13:15 - The total resistance of identical conductors connected in parallel. • 13:28 - 2nd Kirchhoff's law • 13:45 - Serial connection of conductors. • 13:55 - Total resistance of series-connected conductors. • 14:29 - An example of a series connection of conductors. New Year's garland. • 15:07 - Alternating electric current. • 17:00 - The role of Ohm's Law and Kirchhoff's Law in the life of an electrician. • 17:54 - Why does an electrician need a head? Consequences of reckless actions. • The Young Electrician Course is designed for beginner electricians. In it, we will consider the connections of sockets, switches, light bulbs, etc. Let's figure out what is electric current, what is voltage. • Any electrical circuit contains a source of electrical energy and a receiver of electrical energy. Consider a simple electrical circuit made up of a battery and an incandescent light bulb. The battery is the source of electrical energy, and the light bulb is the receiver. There is a potential difference in the source of electrical energy. When the circuit is closed, an electric current begins to flow through it under the influence of the electromotive force EMF. Under the action of an electric current, the coil in the light bulb heats up. electrical energy is converted into heat and light energy. When an electric current passes, a magnetic field is formed. • Every conductor has some kind of resistance. Resistance is measured in ohms. Voltage, resistance of an electric circuit and the passing electric current are interconnected by Ohm's law. It is easier to remember these dependencies using Ohm's triangle. Voltage is measured in Volts, current is measured in Amps. Multiplying the current by the voltage, you can determine the power consumption. • Conductors can be connected in parallel or in series. Usually these circuits are described by Kirchhoff's laws. When the conductors are connected in parallel, the power supply voltage is applied to both conductors. And with a serial connection, the receivers are connected one after the other. • Video address    • Основы электротехники Курс Электрика ...   • Electricity, plumbing and do-it-yourself repairs - a channel for those who make repairs in their private house or apartment with their own hands. You will learn how to make heating, plumbing, electrical wiring with your own hands. The head of the channel is Igor Ekimov, an electrical engineer, the author of 4 books, videos and articles on electrical, construction and repair. • Subscribe to our channel http://goo.gl/a6YJdO • Electronics channel for beginners http://bit.ly/KANARD • Subscribe to this channel http://goo.gl/a6YJdO • I will help promote your channel http://bit.ly/prodvizh • My books https://book24.ru/r/TvgMj • My social network account https://vk.com/iekimov • My email is [email protected] • The best videos House with your own hands http://bit.ly/dom_sv_ruk • The best videos Do-it-yourself electrician http://bit.ly/el_sv_ruk • Best DIY Plumbing Videos http://bit.ly/sant_sv_ruk • The best DIY Repair videos https://bit.ly/RemSvRukPl • Video Profession electrician, builder http://bit.ly/prof_el • #igoryekimov #ekimovigor #electrical plumbing #services #electrician


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