TTSD How to Build Your Proscenium Stage Set
In this video, TTSD will explain how to build and set up the proscenium stage kit from Table Top Scenic Design. • The proscenium stage set is a great design tool when creating scenic designs with your scale models. The proscenium stage set comes with a stage, masking curtains, battens, and LED spot lights. • By using the model the director/designer can easily experiment with entrance and exit points to produce the greatest dramatic impact and determine the most useful traffic patterns and acting areas for any production. The model can be used to explore and demonstrate eye movement patterns that can be controlled by design as well as the use of level for emphasis. • Website: • Our model sets are the perfect tool to create and design in a hands-on, convenient “table top” way. Teach or learn about levels, acting areas, flow of movement, sight lines balance and more, using representational models. The model sets provide endless ways for students and teachers to create their set designs. • All of our pieces are scaled to 3/4 = 1'0 • Material Used: • Modular scale model pieces are constructed for simplicity, versatility and durability. • Made of heavy weight PVC these pieces are virtually indestructible. Unlike wood scale models that get out of square when dropped on their edges, these hold their shape forever. • Unlike foam or paper, they don’t blow away when someone sneezes or opens a door. • The hinges actually work the way dual acting hinges work, in that they bend both ways, and the flat will stand up and stay where you put it, unlike the taped together mini sets. • The hinges are pretty durable, but can be easily replaced if they do break. • Thank you to SpaceCadet-91 Production for the filming and editing of this video!