Go play GAMMA modpack, not this! This is just my own jank game • My Heart goes out to all Ukrainians and their families. May love, peace, and safety be with you. Slava Ukraini • Update: Make sure you get the patch! • Hey friends, here we've got another update to the pack, containing everything previously included with a load of fixes, tweaks and adjustments, and a handful of new/restored weapons. 16:9 users rejoice, 2D Scopes have now been overhauled, and a dozen or so additional 3D scopes were enabled. (It was very difficult to record in 16:9, my monitor tried hard to prevent it, lol, so sorry for the short and shitty gameplay) Mods included have been updated, and a few new ones included, see the list for details. Should be much improved. • HUD_FOV 0.6 is REQUIRED You'll also likely need to start a new game (maybe) and clear your shader cache and possibly reset user.ltx. Remember this is NOT perfect and there IS bugs. NOTE: This ISN'T an amalgamation like EFP 3.0. This is a custom edit of mods in a consistent package, with edits and content found nowhere else. EFP is simply a collection of mods. • DOWNLOAD • [Modpack Only] - Delete your old gamedata and replace with this one!! • MEDIAFIRE VERSION LATEST - INCLUDES NEW BAS UPDATE and Blindside L85 • Mediafire: • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • MEGA: • Drive: • Patch, fixes errors: • Overwrite the files in gamedata folder with these • BUGFIX PATCH: • [Full standalone will come later, as will more mirrors] • • MODS INLCUDED/MERGED • 'Boomsticks and Sharpsticks' newest update, 'AWP 0.2 Pack', EFT Weapon pack, 'CW weapons RC18' as well as 'CW weapons from U4H8', the final 'CW weapon pack', 'CEMENTS viewmodels', Stcop 3.4 weapons/scopes, a few A.R.E.A. weapons, TAZ 3.0 weapons, TAZ 2.0 Weapons, (all edited by me), MCM, Feel fried's item usage animations, FDDA_Animations_Patch.4, glossy surfaces v0.1.3, Anomaly HD models, restored B S weapons like KAC and 9A91 etc, Groks masks, illinaru warfare overhaul, Thfpjct's Simplified UI, apocalyptic blowout, A.R.E.A. Skyboxes, glossy surfaces, Dialogue expanded, ambient music overhaul, mutant bleeding, extended dynamic tasks, new inventory sound, camera reanimation project, glowsticks, Anomaly lootboxes, new main menu by Me, textures from SURLY, T.H.A.P., T.H.A.P, rework, EFT hands/arms, HQ Ammo icons, stalker stories, GT Dynamic event, revive after death, New Icons Merge, EFT aim rattle, Quests from anyone, Soundscape Overhaul 3.0, JSRS 3.6, Michiko's Weather Revamp, All factions playable mod, Damien's fixed knife animation, EFT Binoculars anim, Detector Binoculars, new pda sounds, Bullet Time, Igis/arzis, GhenTuong/base task packs, Food,drug and drink animation mod updated to latest version and rigged for new knives, Cinematic VFX 3.0, bits of T.H.A.P rework, Skies Redux, EFT arms pack, New Mateba Huds, MCM,1_5, fixed lowered huds for all weapons, hax new bolt anims, and a ton of custom edits. • CREDITS • ALL credit goes to the beautiful makers of these mods, I only EDITED what these people CREATED, Delorian x2, Gunslinger mod team, Mich_Cartman, mp5lng, Mortan, Andrejs Green, Michiko-chan152, sneakydud, HarukaSai, PYP, Dead Air, Blackgrowl, ThunderVision, LsdPro, unethicalrus, Comrade Sandwich, _Mr_Vlad, Absolut Soft, Feel fried, ICHICROW, r3zy, mbehm, StCoP 3 team, Damien, CEMENT, LVTNER, Wepl, Souvlakii, Qudix, Cr3pis, Igigog, bmblbx176, GhenTuong, eft pack developers, Kantor, Freedom_is_garbage, fitzroy_doll, Isthar, ALEX1197, 2clip, ky-ky, lafugix, Maximilyan, Arkady Boris Strugatsky, NZKmod, Marvin Acme, illinaru, A.R.E.A Developers, 3vtiger, El joshio muerto, mora145, Surly, Meatchunk, Doenitz,d_nan, AspirinSGD, SiberCat, Cr3pis, Kaluguin, jluka1000, .MaLum, carbinewolftv, Mirci33sClone, cakes, mrstarman59, artifax, Thfpjct, Maximilyan, Daedalus-Prime, Beef, Kahntei, BlindxSide, galluserectus, C3TTO, Ethylia, dannydealmusic,God the Creator, stride090604, jdud, My beautiful wife Lexi, DaimeneX, ferr-um, vkronizer, TheShinyHaxorus, 'SGM' mod, all the Anomaly discord bois, rest of Anomaly devs and anyone else I forgot. If I did, forgive me, I am only human. • Thank these people, not me, because without them there would be nothing. Love ya • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • •    • That's right. Don't blame yourself. B...  


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