Peace from Within Core Beliefs Series
Need dependable, quality consultants? • Hire our team: • Want to be an H J Consultant? • • Rest seems to be a tense topic in the oil and gas industry. Because if you're not working, you're not making money. Jon Poe breaches this subject with a challenge: How can we work at our best if we're not rested? • We're not promoting laziness, but H J advocates for sacred rest. Check out our future videos that dive into this core belief. • Scripture: Genesis 2 • As a Christian in oil and gas, navigating the day-to-day stress is hard without a dependable roadmap. Our principles are what we build all of our lives on, and each business operates on its own principles. Here at H J, our beliefs are all in the Bible: Jesus is king, people matter, work is a gift, and sacred rest. • • Here's some fun words: Dave Ramsey, EntreLeader, Patrick Lencioni, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey, Responsibility, Belief, Faith, Christian, Values, Business, Mission Statement