Grigory Sokolov Couperin Le tictocchoc ou Les maillotins


Brandon working on Lillly pt 1. This video was taken a couple of months ago when I was teaching in New Zealand. It was a very intense and personal massage for Lilly and it has taken her a couple of months to want it to go public. • She has asked me to publish her testimonial here and I will not allow and jackasses who are insensitive, to comment here without their comments being deleted as this was a very profound experience for Lilly. • Here is her testimonial. • Raynor massage testimonial • I had this massage in May 2019 and since then, a lot of positive shifts happened. • I would thank Brandon and everyone that was present during this very deep healing session. I know it was very hard for the students to ‘’witness’’ what I have been through. • It took me a bit of time before I allowed Brandon to release those videos because it is a very personal journey and people that do not understand Raynor massage philosophy will not understand the purpose of this massage, and the deep transformation that happens within, when we are ready to get rid of our trapped emotions. I was 100% ready for this. At the point that I even did not feel the physical pain, but I directly tuned into the emotions and memories trapped behind the pain. That is the beauty of this method. If you are ready to tackle your inner self and shift whatever block you have, Raynor massage takes all its sense. It is beyond a ‘normal’ massage, it can be a deep healing process, and it is what I have been through. I did a lot of work and preparation before being ready, but I knew it was time for me, my whole body was called to do it, and I am thankful and blessed to have had this opportunity. • During the massage I experienced a lot of old memories and I would say I lived some past life regressions that were deeply locked within me and that were provoking a lot of physical health issues as well as unconscious fear. Some would think I was possessed. I did not feel that way, I felt more like some old energies stuck within me that I had to expel by expressing it in different ways (scream, deep breathing, tears and body movements). And I let myself go, without trying to retain. I knew it had to go and it was the easiest way for me. • I had for years tremendous pains during my women cycle and I had a lot of digestive problem such as gluten intolerance, bloating, etc… Brandon worked mainly on my right side and the result on my belly (3 months after) are spectacular! My right side still feel soft, and I have been pain free for the last 3 months during my cycles (and trust me, when you have had endometriosis pain, it is a happiness of being pain free!). My digestion is way better and I gained a lot of confidence in myself. • This session has triggered more inner healing that are more subtle as well. I know that I still have something left on my left side, deeper, and I hope to be able to let it go soon. • This session has been a huge physical and emotional release and allowed me to move forward faster with more confidence. • I hope this video will help you understanding the depth of Raynor massage. It is a beautiful tool that he teaches us and offer us, but only few really understand how profound it is. • Watching the video was really weird because what I experienced inside was totally different from what it shows on the video. • If you are ready to let go all your old memories, fear and pains, you should book a massage with a Raynor Massage Therapist! They are a bit everywhere in the world now! • Thank you for your work Brandon, • Lilly • Here are some good links for people interested in Raynor Massage • Our Main Website • Our Online Massage Courses • Upcoming worldwide course schedule • Massage Courses in Vermont • Massage Courses in Australia • Massage Courses in New Zealand • Massage Courses in the UK • Massage Courses in Canada


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