Lets Play Divinity Original Sin 2 Part 16 Donald Trompdoy

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=2p8pyo4xc8k

Rock Paper Shotgun is back with more Let's Play Divinity: Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition and we are facing our toughest foe yet: Trompdoy. We're in the Vault of Braccus Rex, attempting to steal soul jars, a purging wand and piles of loot. Can Alice and Matthew beat an army of cloned skeleton wizards? • If you thought our adventures in the Fort Joy Arena were tough, wait until you see us take on the vault of Braccus Rex in the Hollow Marshes. Why are there so many Trompdoys? And what kind of name is Trompdoy anyway? What we'd give for a Vault of Braccus Rex walkthrough. There's a statue that does riddles. there are fake chests that explode and doors that lead to poison traps. This place is HORRIBLE. • Let's Play Divinity Original Sin 2 continues to be the highlight of our week and that's mainly down to the lovely viewers, who have brains fat with Divinity Original Sin 2 knowledge. All the Divinity: Original Sin 2 tips and tricks you contribute have been amazing so far. We’re playing with Lohse, Red Prince, Sebille and Fane, though we messed up our Fane build, so don't be cross about that. • We've found all your feedback in the comments really useful so please do keep your Divinity: Original Sin 2 tips coming - please tell us what to do with all these soul jars we're collecting. They sound like they're full of evil things and we are too scared to open or break them. • If you enjoy this episode of Let's Play Divinity why not go back and watch the previous episodes (it makes more sense if you start from the beginning) and subscribe to the channel so you don't miss any of them going forwards. We're having a great time playing Larian's incredible RPG and would love you to join us for more Let's Play Divinity Original Sin 2. Thanks for watching! • #divinityoriginalsin2 #donaldtrompdoy #catolympics


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