HuraWatchcom What you NEED to know


Is HuraWatch a Scam? • Is Hurawatch Legal? • What benefit is there to registering? • I'll answer all these questions and more. • is a website that provides organized, thumbnailed links to a massive selection of Movies and an exhaustive collection of TV shows. • Almost all TV shows have links to every season and every episode. • By using you're able to stream movies and TV shows for free. • But is HuraWatch a scam? • was registered on December 5th, 2021. • The person who owns this domain has made all information private. • What we do know is that the domain name was registered in Russia. • The Internet Achieve confirms that there is a history of this website existing as early as December 19th 2020. • Google lists 1,900 pages for this website. • There's no business address and no phone number. • Another thing that was very suspect is HuraWatch has a DMCA link at the bottom of their site, but for us, this link didn't even work. • Whats odd about is they operate as if they're not doing anything shady. Their domain name is a .com which is very rare for a streaming website. • Although everything I mentioned so far doesn't build confidence, no is not a scam. • It doesn't even appear that as of today they are trying to make money through pop-up ads and affiliate links advising you to use a VPN. • Is Hurawatch Legal? • While I'm not familiar with copyright laws in Russia, I can say that every country has its own laws with regard to copyright, and most treat streaming videos very different than downloading videos. • For specific legal questions regarding streaming, you'll need to search streaming and copyright laws in your specific jurisdiction. • HuraWatch has the option to create an account. But why would someone want to create an account? • Creating an account allows you to add your favorite videos to a watch list. • So safe? Yes and no, as long as you have a virus scanner on and don't download anything or enter personal or financial information into the site, the site itself is safe. • However, and this is a big 'however', the site promotes streaming movies and TV Shows for free which may violate laws in some countries. • Keep in mind all your online activity is tracked and there will be a record of everything you do online, so if streaming is not permitted in your country, stay away from these type of sites. • If this video has helped you at all, please give us a thumbs up, we'd really appreciate it! • So, what do you think about streaming and • Credit: • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • ❔ CONTACT US ▼ • Contact us via e-mail: •    / @tvstuffreviews  


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