The Winters Tale by William Shakespeare InDepth Summary amp Analysis
Almost everything described in the book and the show Handmaid's tale has a parallel in a totalitarian or religious state, military regime, religious order or cult, or, chillingly, in Western society today. • Margaret Atwood, the author of the book Handmaid's Tale, on which the show was based, keeps saying that Nothing that I've written hasn't already happened. • And nothing that we build doesn't already exist. Which historical events inspired the Handmaid's Tale author and the show's screenwriters, and why The Handmaid's Tale can serve as a warning to the whole world? • Forced pregnancy in Cambodia, kidnapping, clothes as a way of humiliation, environmental destruction and other moments took place in the past and even in present! • ⭐OSSA is the best source for entertainment news about the celebrities we love. • ⭐Our YouTube channel dishes up celebrity news and gossip on the stars you admire the most. From popular TV hosts to Hollywood golden age actresses, from country music artists and the royal family members to western movies acting legends. • SUBSCRIBE to our channel to watch more amazing videos about celebs! • OSSA on twitter: / ossa_celebs • OSSA on facebook: / ossa-937878333055503