Mafumafu FNF Concept
This was inspired by @rix_again 's casset girl concept, as seen here • CASSETTE GIRL • If you wanna learn how to mimic him, he made a video showing his process. • • making a friday night funkin song • This was a pretty cool experience. I definitely learned a lot, one important thing being that using samples is actually a valid way of making music, and isn't lazy at all. I could've did better at chopping the vocals n stuff, and I couldn't figure out how to differentiate bf's vocals since the pitch shifter kept making them all crackly, so I just settled for some flanger effects. Also, huge thanks to whoever made So nice to have a good video editor for free. • I drew that picture at 1am. • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Friday Night Funkin' (also known as Friday Night Funkin': The Full Game) is an upcoming rhythm video game developed by Funkin' Crew Inc. and released on Newgrounds in 2020. The game is developed by a small group called The Funkin' Crew Inc., which consists primarily of Cameron ninjamuffin99 Taylor, David PhantomArcade Brown, Isaac Kawai Sprite Garcia, and evilsk8r. The game is also open-source. It shares some gameplay features with Dance Dance Revolution, PaRappa the Rapper, and the Dance Contest minigame from Club Penguin, and borrows aesthetic influences from Flash games. The game has been credited with driving users back to Newgrounds, a site that rose in popularity in the early 2000s. • The game revolves around the player character, Boyfriend, who must defeat a variety of opponents in singing and rapping contests in order to continue dating his love interest, Girlfriend. Gameplay involves hitting notes with timed inputs while avoiding running out of health for the duration of the song. • The game was initially created for the Ludum Dare 47 game jam on October 5, 2020. An expanded demo was released on November 1, 2020, with updates continually released in the following months. A full version of the game backed by Kickstarter, titled Friday Night Funkin': The Full Game, is in development. • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • #fnf #mafumafu