Paintings Made By Elephants in Thailand
Elephant Art Online ( is the originator in authentic paintings made by elephants. Our lovely big artists have become famous around the world for their incredible skills. • Not every elephant can paint, it’s only the smartest cleverest ones that can. It takes four to six months to train an elephant to paint. They learn by copying, the mahout does stroke and then he elephant, if the stroke is good then the reward is given, bananas, lots of them. The elephants are taught two or three different pictures but as their develop other smaller details will be added. • The reason why these elephants are painting these pictures is to raise money for our Elephant Hospital which we have at Maetaeng Elephant Park Clinic ( We treat not only our own elephants but all the elephants in the area. There are almost three hundred elephants in the area and everyone of them is treated free of charge.