Planting Toothache Plant Seeds
Hello and welcome to Old Ways Gardening and Prepping.🍀 Would like to welcome you each out to my backyard to my main herb garden area. Today we are going to plant some seeds of the Toothache Plant that I was blessed with by Tami. Yes another one of the beautiful OWLS. 🦉 • This plant is extremely easy to grow and yes anyone can grow it. It is one that needs to be grown and the flower heads dried to add to your medicine cabinet or first aid kit. It is best to harvest it by hand and then dry it either by air drying screen or by dehydrating it. • Here is a little bit of the medicinal information about this wonderful plant, and will have more information when I go to make the first tincture. However it would be great if you did your own research as well to be prepared to grow and use this amazing medicine. • Spilanthes acmella goes by many different names and here are a few of them: eyeball plant, peek-a-boo plant, Jambu, Toothache plant, Electric daisy, Paracress, Buzz buttons and Schezuan buttons to name a few. The fresh leaves are rich in minerals and a useful source of folic acid and vitamin C. The flower heads contain spilanthol and has antibacterial, antibiotic and antifungal properties making it a good purifying herb to use for disinfecting wounds, treating painful canker sores and treating ringworm infections. It can also be made into a tea and used as a gargle for sore throats as well. • Hope you have enjoyed this video and that it encourages you as well to grow the toothache plant. They are extremely easy to grow and yes anybody can grow them. If you have any questions please feel free to ask them in the comment section below I will answer them as soon as possible. Everyone take care and have a blessed day. • Blessings, • Teresa • #plantingtoothacheplant #howtogrowtoothacheplant #themedicinaltoothacheplant #selfsufficiency • You can check my merchandise out at the link below. All profit from sales goes back in to helping me by cattle panels and praying to have a small greenhouse one day. • https://my-store-b6fd00.creator-sprin... • You can contact me through email at: • [email protected] • or • Old Ways Gardening and Prepping • C/O • Teresa Horn • P.O. Box 1587 • Millington, TN 38053 • Please donate if you can so I can build more raised beds for vegetables and medicinal herbs. • • To send donations to Paypal so that I will be able to buy alcohol to teach how to make tinctures. Will keep the receipts to show exactly what donations are spent for. • My PayPal ID is: @Cedar • My Amazon wish list: • • I'm on Instagram as @old_ways_gardeningandprepping. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. • Come join me on MeWe! It's the only social network built on trust, control and love.: • Wanted to say thank you for making music for those who can't afford to pay for it: • Pretty Little Dog by Shake That Little Foot is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License. • All videos are made and edited by me Teresa Horn.