Boondocking Gray Water Secrets Revealed


🏆 Expanding our gray tanks is one way we deal w gray water. Our toyhauler has 2-40 gallon gray tanks and 1-40 gallon black tank. We bought an extra gate valve. If it is closed, we can open all 3 tanks (remember our black tank is just liquids so this works) allowing the 3 tanks to act as one 120 gallon tank. The gate valve needs an additional mod to keep it from coming off. We put a big hose clamp (like what you find on cars) on this to keep it from turning and coming off when we open the cap. You can see it (silver) in the back. • 👍 Next, (do your research) many boondocking locations allow you to trickle your gray water. We have a special cap for the dump pipe the allows us hook up a garden hose. we then leave the gray tanks open and let the gray water trickle away from the RV. • ✨With these two mods, we can easily deal with gray water while boondocking.✨ • ☝️SAVE this for later! • Affiliate links - • • • #fulltimervfamily full-time rv family #fulltimervliving fulltime rv living #nomads nomads #boondocking boondocking #boondockingfamily boondocking family #boondockinglife boondocking life #rvgraywater RV gray water


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